An Open Letter to the She Runs This Town Louisville Chapter

Dear She Runs This Town (SRTT) Louisville, KY Chapter,

After many years of co-leading SRTT Louisville, it is (past) time for me to step down from my leadership role. While I formally announced my departure as co-chapter leader in the private group at the beginning of 2024, I wanted to write this letter to you to explain a little more about my departure and why this club is so important to so many people. Please know that I am confident the leadership structure put in place (with the help of Sherry B. and Krista) will ensure the Louisville chapter’s growth for years to come. But it depends on all of you to help support the leadership to make this group a place for every woman in the running community.

For those who don’t know me, let me briefly explain how I came to find SRTT. (Feel free to skip to the bullet points below if you know this part.) I joined this group reluctantly in the spring of 2014. I was a new-ish mom. My husband talked me into running as exercise when my youngest was about three. He loved running and thought I should, too. And I did after I got the hang of it. But I was running by myself, and things were getting boring quickly. He was the only person I had to run with and was faster than me.

I started looking for other women I could run with so I had company, and maybe it would feel safer (an entirely different blog topic). When I became an SRTT group member, I stayed quiet in the background, lurking and occasionally asking questions about running. I was intimidated by the experienced runners in the group and did not label myself a runner. It took me months to work up the courage to attend a group run in person. It took one group run to change my running trajectory (and my life) for the better. I attended more group runs, recruited new members, and became a part of Louisville’s amazing running community.

Over the years, my runs with you have helped me:

  • Gain confidence Seeing other women out doing things I wanted to do encouraged me to try new things. You told me I could do this, and eventually, I believed you. It required me to step out of my comfort zone, but you were right beside me, holding my hand and lifting me up, no matter the challenge. With all of the attempts (and sometimes failings), I became the most confident I had been in a long time.
  • Learn and grow as a runner – When I started running, I did not know the first thing about running gear, training plans, pacing, or race distances. SRTT did and continues to teach me new things about running every day. I was probably perfectly fine with figuring things out independently, but looking back, I wouldn’t choose that option now. This group is why I continue returning to races to challenge myself. You are why I’ve toed the line at countless races, including sprint tris and ultramarathon. Without your support, I wouldn’t be as proficient at training and crossing all those finish lines.
  • Grow as a mom and a person – The women in this group come from all backgrounds. From working professionals to stay-at-home moms…from school teachers to physicians, to VPs, to running store employees…you name it, we do it. I love that I can show up for a group run and, each time, meet new and interesting women who have similar passions. I am always excited to see that we all come from very different backgrounds yet have many things in common. I am always amazed at how much women get done, and they do it with grace and poise. When our group picks a cause or an event, we do it so well! Women runners know how to get shit done. You all help me keep raising my bar and expectations for myself, so thank you.
  • Expand my circle of female friends – I did not always have a big circle of women to depend on. Even through college, most of my close friends identified as men. There are many reasons for this, and nothing is wrong with it. However, now I can see such value in my relationships with women, and I wonder why I avoided them for so many years. I’ve been in this group for almost ten years. I met some of my most incredible friends thanks to SRTT. We’ve shared not only countless miles together but, along the way, expanded that to include each other in our personal lives. We’ve shared experiences of joy and loss together. I can count on them for anything with much love and zero judgment. They are my safe place to land on good and bad days. They make me laugh so much. Honestly, I would do pretty much do anything for any one of them.

I have experienced the highs and lows of being a woman with you. The loss, the new love, the joys of running a mile without stopping, the feeling of crossing the finish line…I’ve seen and heard it all. I am a better person because of you. And that is why even though I have stepped down as Chapter Leader, I will not walk away completely. I have to be at those group runs. I have to volunteer at races. I need to work the running gear swaps and participate in the coffee mug exchanges. Why? Because you are my people, and I want to be where you are. I want to give you as much support as I’ve received.

I’ll end this by encouraging you all to pour into this community. Even when you are tired or busy, you will not regret the people and experiences you have because you joined this group. It is what you make of it and can be life-altering if you allow it. Thank you for allowing me to be a chapter leader for so many years! I look forward to many more years running alongside you.

For the love of running,

The Bluegrass BAMR (aka Stephanie B., Steph #1)

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