The FitnessBank Spring Step Challenge Starts Today – Get stepping with Des!

Disclaimer: I received an Amazon gift card to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!


These are strange times, my friends.  COVID-19 has interrupted everyone’s daily lives and no one seems to be immune from the stress of it all.  Social distancing has definitely changed all of our lives in that we cannot see our friends, family and social support network like we would normally. My life has changed now in a few ways: 1) I a working from home full time instead of in an office with colleagues, 2) my children are not in school but instead home full time with me all day, 3) my husband is still reporting to work (for now), which means I am trying to work, educate, and parent at the same time, 4) my running routine is turned upside down at this point mainly due to everyone and everything is at home right now.

Needless to say, between all of these life changes and races being canceled, my motivation to run has waned at times. Finding a way to fit it all in has become a huge challenge.  However, I know that as a runner it is vital that I find a way to continue exercise/daily activity as much as I possibly can, for my own sanity and health. But how, you ask? Well, it’s going to take a little creativity AND a bit more motivation…

Enter the FitnessBank Des Linden Spring Step Challenge!

As you all probably know, COVID-19 has impacted all runners; the impact of social distancing alone had the power to reset goals for professional athletes like Des Linden. She was on track for Boston 2020 in the Spring and the original thought was that people would step along with her during training.  Now, Boston has moved to the Fall but Des hasn’t stopped moving. This is a unique way for runners to stay motivated from an acceptably social distance AND participate in a fun challenge with the amazing Des Linden and I am HERE FOR IT!

I can’t ever seem to back down from a good challenge and this one is pretty amazing! It is a free opportunity to win some amazing prizes.  How do you enter? Easy! Grab your step tracking device (Fitbit, Garmin or through AppleHealth or GoogleFit). and get started:

1) Enter anytime between now through April 30th!
2) Download the FitnessBank app. It is FREE and you don’t need to open a Fitness Savings Account to join.
3) Join Des’ Group on the app.
4) Join the Step Challenge on or after April 1st.

There are some amazing prizes whether you compete to win or participate to win! Below is just a list of the prizes that participants can win; see the complete listing on the FitnessBank page.

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5 Participants will win:

  • A Signed Poster from Des
  • 1 Pair of Brooks Running Shoes
  • 25,000 Bonus Steps
  • FitnessBank Prize Pack

1 Grand Prize Winner (1 of the 5 participation winners) will win:

  • Free Year of Racing for 2 (one race a month for 2 people, of any distance, up to $150 max-entry fee) – reimbursed via deposits in your Fitness Savings Account)
  • An additional 50,000 Bonus Steps

So, what are you waiting for–today is the first day of the Challenge. We are all in this together, so let’s run alone together! I hope whatever your fitness goals are for April, you stay healthy and happy.

Check out some of my fellow BibRave Pros thoughts on the Fitness Bank Des Spring Step Challenge and how they are staying motivated below!













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