COROS Training Camp – Week 7

Here I am on, on week 7, and feeling pretty good! I hit one obstacle this week, though. Read on for the details!

Sunday had me scheduled for an easy 5-mile run. I definitely “failed” here. When I say failed, I mean, that I did not stay within my scheduled heart rate zone! I ended up joining a group run and took my husband with me AND the run was in the middle of the afternoon. I was amped! Needless to say, I did get the miles in but at a higher pace than desired by my coach’s plan. I still felt good at the end, so that was a win?

I had 2 rest days this week but was back on Wednesday with just a little over an 8-mile tempo run. I nailed this run! It felt really good. Thursday I went for 4 miles easy and took the pup for some miles. And then Friday I ran a threshold run but did a lot more by perceived effort and felt good after it was done.

The glitch for this week really came with the weekend. I had an all-day work event on Saturday, so did not have a planned run. But, I was on my feet all day. Sunday, multiple personal and family issues kept me from getting out the door for my long run, so I completely skipped it. I also felt like garbage most of the day. I hope that skipping this run does not come back to bite me; I hope to reset on Monday and get back on track for the remaining 3 weeks of my plan.

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