COROS Training Camp – Week 6

Here I go into week 6! Mileage continues to ramp up this week. Coincidentally, my work schedule looks super busy for the majority of the week, so I was hoping I would be able to get all of the scheduled runs in as well.

Sunday was a long run and I was lucky enough to have 2 good friends join me for the majority of the run. Unfortunately, they had to listen to me apologize for the pace, because the run had me staying in my lower heart rate ranges. They didn’t seem to mind at all and I was grateful for that!

Monday I had to take an unscheduled rest day due to work and other family obligations. I did complete stretching and PT exercises, which has become a staple! I did get to attend a coaching call and it was very positive and helpful. My overall heart rate is looking really, really good (lower) and I’m beginning to think about race day strategy.

Tuesday was 3 miles easy with strides. It was fine but I had to cut it short. Wednesday was an 8.5 mile tempo run that was pretty amazing. Even with a long work day and putting the run in after work and lots of time on feet already for the week, it just felt comfortable, even if I rated it moderate in terms of perceived effort.

But I paid for it on Thursday with my 6 Mile threshold run – it was hot, I wasn’t fueled properly and it felt sooo hard. I finished, but it wasn’t pretty.

Friday I was grateful for a rest day because Saturday called for a 10.20 long run. Luckily, I had my running group to pull me through it. They are the best!

All in all, not a bad week but I am beginning to feel a little pressure thinking about how I am going to make all of this come together for race day. I plan on emailing my coach soon to discuss the best strategy.

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